The other day I showed a single photo the look with which I was selected to march in Cibeles Cool People. I told you I would bring more details of the outfit, so here are the pics! Made in Cerdanya. Those who know me know that spend enough time lately there! How do you like the look? The truth, I spent much more time to choose which photo to send the contest to choose the outfit for a parade! Because if you read the post (but see here) know that I learned was how precipitadisima and shower, very fast and airport luggage at Madrid. But when I had to decide which photo to send, then yes it took me a little. With the amount of looks I have, of all the sessions I do for the blog, imagine, would not know what criteria the judges, or anything! Finally, something made me think that this style they would like and so, I sent photo (first) selected me y. ..! How I roll up with this theme, but it still can not believe it and I! And I want to share this feeling with tod @ s @ s! vosotr! Big kiss!
Lace t-shirt and cardigan, Primark tights Satin
: Calzedonia (finally I found them)
Belt: stolen from Alberto:)
Shoes: Ursula Mascaro
Sunglasses: Ray Ban Jackie Ohh
add a few lines very special day for me is to thank Alberto all your patience, dedication, time and support to me and my blog. These photos, and almost all are made by him. The truth is that he could not accompany me to Madrid in the parade, which I was very little pain at first, but thinking, if it were not for him, among other things, for making me the photo you chose me, there would able to live this experience. So today, 7 years ago you were at my side, thank you love .
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